Science ^ Art ^ Gaming ^  
Film and Animation


In The Works

Blueprint Documentary

The Blueprint is a look at the permaculture movement in the USA and the effects of decentialized farming. I did some intial filming with Joelle West over the course of two months, looking at farms in Louisiana and Texas. That brought us into Colorado where we interviewed professor Temple Grandin. We finished our first round of filming in July at the Finney Farm in upstate Washington, totaling 7 months of filming. to find out more visit the Blueprint Blog.

At the very southern edge of the Cascadian mountain range in Del Norte county California, there is a small uninhabitable island known as white rock. Uninhabitable that is, by humans. White rock, however, is utilized by several species of gull and seabirds for roosting and mating. White Rock is part of a collection of small islands that are vital to the surrounding ecosystem, and have been under protection from development and disturbance since the 1980’s. In this Blueprint documentary short, we explore the island and it's inhabbitance.


Editing Demos

Music videos

Title Cards

Sound Demos

Trailer Demo

Event Videos

Featured Film Project

Pop Goes The Samuria

Pop Goes The Samurai (2016 Final).

What do you do when you got $100 left over in your film budget? You spend the weekend making a short about the Americanization of Japanese culture. A script almost entirely in Japanese performed by people who don't speak any Japanese.

Over 10 years since it was first filmed. It is currently in final restoration to it's original intentions. In this version I remastered the audio including the addtional music score we recorded two years ago and boosted the voices so they could be heard.

Recently, I rediscovered the original 16mm film and the original script. The film has been redigitized and remastered to produce the best quality cut possible. It has finally come to the point where short is complete.

Other Films

While in no way a complete compilation of my works, I have managed to gather a few pieces for you to review.



A fan edit is a version of a film modified by a viewer, that removes, reorders, or adds material in order to create a new interpretation of the source material. This includes the removal of scenes or dialogue, replacement of audio and/or visual elements, and adding material from sources such as deleted scenes or even other films. - Wikipedia

I did my first fanedit in 1998. They were mostly exercises I did while attending the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. In 2012, I returned to fanediting as a hobby. Here are a few of my Fanedit trailers.

Final Fantasy Ten Ralpherized 1999: a Short Odyssey

Mash 2 - ticket homeTerminal 12 (twelve monkeys)

SeeingRed Theatrical Cut SeeingRed Theatrical Cut



I began creating animation in 1995 working with various computer software on the MS-DOS platform. Favorites included Disney Animation Studio, 3D Studio R4, and Raytracer. Although most have been lost to time, there are still some surviving pieces. In 1998, I worked with Strumpy Productions working on several claymation productions. I abandoned animation for many years as I was more focused on live action and theater and didn't keep up with current technology. In 2009, I returned to animation using The Movies software from Lionhead. Today, I mainly create animation for my video game company, Legenday Power.